
Elderwoman: book by Marian van Eyk McCain

Elderwoman: book by Marian van Eyk McCain

Is elderhood different for men and women? Yes and no! The question of gender differences in elderhood was a big one for me as I approached leading a mixed workshop on this theme for the…

Face-offs with cows, and flying chickens. Lessons in community from Ethiopian roads

Face-offs with cows, and flying chickens. Lessons in community from Ethiopian roads

 We will not be moved… It happens so often, you suspect the animals must enjoy it: why else do they spread the full width of the tarmac, instead of using the…

Why African Fact is Happier Than Fiction

Why African Fact is Happier Than Fiction

Recently I’ve been reading The Granta Book of the African Short Story.  When I travel, I like to read something connected with my destination, so this book went with me on a recent trip to…

Song for Marion: this film has powerful lessons for older men

Song for Marion: this film has powerful lessons for older men

This is an intense, moving, ultimately hopeful film, and it’s a superb example of the bogs of anger and self-isolation that many older men get stuck in. The film’s focus is an elderly couple, played…

Life lessons from the movies: Hope Springs

Life lessons from the movies: Hope Springs

Is changing a relationship like changing a lightbulb? You may recall the old joke about how many therapists it takes to change a lightbulb.  The answer is one: but the lightbulb really has to want…

Depression, and getting over it

Depression, and getting over it

Depression is one of the biggest problems for men beyond 50.  We all feel low sometimes, but depression is long-term – I’ve met many mature men who have been depressed for years, often on antidepressants…

Amour: French film about love in old age

Amour: French film about love in old age

A picture of joy and pain: in equal measure? Stunning is a word much over-used, especially by estate agents, but stunned is the best way to sum up my feelings at the end of this…

Men and Pornography

Men and Pornography

GUEST POST by Ger Murphy Jack(56) came to see me at my psychotherapy practice some months ago complaining of depressive episodes and lack of motivation. As he spoke he revealed that he had been experiencing…



One of many highlights on my recent holiday in Alsace was a wine tasting at Emile Beyer, one of the region’s long established wine producers. It was guided by Christian Beyer, the fourteenth generation of…

Adventures around Dartmoor – with the Withered Arm

Adventures around Dartmoor – with the Withered Arm

This blog is artfully designed to suit both general hikers or cyclists, and railway lovers. Just choose your section! For hikers and cyclists On summer weekends, you can do a great trip right around the…