
Can we choose to be happy?

Can we choose to be happy?

As I continue to ponder the keys to resilience, I’ve concluded that this act of choice is a vital step – and it fits with the principles of mindfulness. Yes, there are some people who…

How do we find the spiritual roots of resilience?

How do we find the spiritual roots of resilience?

There’s plenty of research to show that people who feel a higher sense of purpose, who have a spiritual path, who pray or meditate, on average feel more wellbeing, and handle challenges more easily. But…

Why do men need men’s groups?

Why do men need men’s groups?

Men generally grow up seeing other men as competitors, and mostly  have poorer support networks and interactive skills than women.  Perhaps that was useful when fighting for the last bison on the plains, but it…

Why we all need comfort zones

Why we all need comfort zones

Do you have too much change and uncertainty in your life? It seems that most of us do, and it’s unlikely to get easier soon. Instead of hoping that the overload will go away, it’s…

Exploring Elderhood: A catalytic week

Exploring Elderhood: A catalytic week

As we look forward to our upcoming Creative Maturity event: Inner Peace in a Changing World, I was thinking about a similar one, Exploring Elderhood, Ineke and I led a week in 2013, which proved to…

What trains can teach us about relationships Insights from a zugteilung in Hanover

What trains can teach us about relationships Insights from a zugteilung in Hanover

The special overnight trains which in English we hopefully call sleepers, are in Germany sensibly called Nachtzug, night trains. No false expectations there. In fact, I’ve used the Nachtzug many times, and they’re very comfortable.…

Richard and Liz: how NOT to do midlife relationships

Richard and Liz: how NOT to do midlife relationships

The recent BBC4 biopic on Richard Burton and Liz Taylor was magnetic and illuminating.  It showed why these two had such fascination for each other, and us: and it also showed many of the don’ts…

Celebration of Older Men

A Celebration of Older Men

Even better with women! Illustration by Hugh Dunford Wood used in the event brochure Older men are hardly a trendy topic, and to celebrate them is unheard of.  So this event…

Camden Town Shed

Men’s Sheds: A brilliantly simple good idea

900 sheds in Australia: just starting in UK Les and Terry in action at Camden Town Shed Men’s Sheds are simply a largeish space where men can use or learn skills…

Andrew Billen

Out of the Woods: Major feature in The Times

Highlights and the back story It was actually four months before the launch of my book that The Times decided they wanted to run a major feature on it, and asked if they could send…