Creative Ageing

Vita Sackville-West on Triumphant Elderhood: All Passion Spent

Vita Sackville-West on Triumphant Elderhood: All Passion Spent

If Vita Sackville-West is known at all these days, it is as a landscape gardener, Bloomsbury bohemian, or as the role model for Virginia Woolf’s Orlando. In fact, she is a superb novelist too: perceptive,…

Age is just a number: Charles Eugster

Age is just a number: Charles Eugster

Re-inventing your health in later life Charles Eugster is a pioneer in health regimes for people over 65, and well beyond. He has won medals for rowing and sprinting in his eighties and nineties! However,…

Life Threatening Crises for Friends

Life Threatening Crises for Friends

Alan writes about his experiences of friends suffering from life threatening illness. In the past few months, the wives of two close friends have had late diagnoses of advanced cancer which could be fatal.  The…

Fresh adventures for creative ageing

Fresh adventures for creative ageing

Discover yourself and have some fun as you grow older. Everyday life these days can be uncertain and unsettling for anyone, and getting older may just seem to make that worse. It may feel tempting…

The Little Book of Hygge

The Little Book of Hygge

Cosy friendship in all its forms: including tea, cake, candles! Many surveys show the Danes to be the happiest people in Europe and the world, and the quality of hygge seems to be one reason.…