Creative Ageing

Richard and Liz: how NOT to do midlife relationships

Richard and Liz: how NOT to do midlife relationships

The recent BBC4 biopic on Richard Burton and Liz Taylor was magnetic and illuminating.  It showed why these two had such fascination for each other, and us: and it also showed many of the don’ts…

Autumn Gold: The first Men Beyond 50 workshop:

Autumn Gold: The first Men Beyond 50 workshop:

New life skills, new friendships, new inspiration The weekend of November 11 – 13, 2011 at Hazel Hill Wood was a big occasion for me: the first weekend workshop, in fact the first open event…

The Lost Elders: Who are we? Where’s our voice?

The Lost Elders: Who are we? Where’s our voice?

At 21 million, if we’re not a major blessing, we’ll be a major problem Over-fifties are one third of the whole UK population, but this huge group has no collective name, voice, or sense of…